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The Foundation for Indian Contemporary Art (FICA), in partnership with INLAKS Shivdasani FoundationGoldsmiths, University of London and The Raza Foundation, invites applications for The FICA Inlaks Goldsmiths Scholarship 2017-18, Supported by The Raza Foundation. The scholarship supports an Indian student who will be part of the M.Res in Curatorial/Knowledge program at Goldsmiths starting September 2017. 

This is a full funding opportunity available to Indian students applying for the M.Res in Curatorial/ Knowledge program at Goldsmiths, University of London. The scholarship covers tuition fees, local accommodation, return flight to India, visa expenses and basic living expenses.  The student will need to self fund or raise additional funds for any other personal expenses. The scholarship is for the 1 year full-time course, starting September 2017. For more information on the program see  and download brochure here
Potential candidates should hold an undergraduate degree in the arts and humanities fields.

Candidates should have an interest in the curatorial both as the practice of exhibition making and putting various things on display, but even more in the curatorial as a system of knowledge production, of the different assemblages of knowledge that curating as a working principle has brought into the field. The program will provide the seminar in Curatorial/Knowledge as well as access to any graduate courses and seminars in the Department of Visual Cultures.

2018-19 | Lalthlanchhuaha (Thlana Bazik)

2018-19 | Lalthlanchhuaha (Thlana Bazik)

2015-16 | Kartik K G

2015-16 | Kartik K G

2016-17 | Meenakshi Thirukode

2016-17 | Meenakshi Thirukode