

For over a decade, the FICA Reading Room has been a resource of art publications and journals in New Delhi, open to all. The Reading Room has been an anchoring space for FICA as an organisation, while we continue our work in education, support, and collaboration. The space doubles up as a reference library and an active space for workshops, presentations, talks, and discussions. An important part of the FICA Reading Room is the community of curious minds that surround and enliven us.

In January 2019, FICA invited entries to take part in the ‘READING SPACES’ project that we are initiating. We invited you to be part of a small project to envision with us what ‘READING SPACES’ could mean, to each of us, in a general and/or subjective sense. Below we outline a few possible ways through which you can approach the topic: 

1. My Reading Space – Send us entries on your personal reading spaces - this could be a bookshelf, your home, studio; collective spaces like college, school, office, public libraries; temporary gatherings or permanent corners, that offer you a sanctuary to think, assimilate, and commune with other writers and artists.  In short, Reading Spaces you have created, used, imagined, or even wished you had!   

2. On Spaces I Read – Creative Practices often involve reading situations and one’s surroundings. They call for deep engagement with sites and people, different spaces, and communities. Your entry could focus on the spaces and situations that you engage with and ‘read’ in your own practice.

3. Reading as Method - You could also turn your attention towards reading as a practice and the methodologies undertaken in treating it as such. This could include how you read, whom you read with, who you read to - Is it solitary or collective? How is reading in silence different to reading aloud? 

Entries can be in a variety of forms - images, drawings, texts, diagrams, maps, video or audio clips. Please do send the name and location of the participant/s and attach a small note on your submission.  

We also encourage entries that might deviate from the above guidelines as well - just think along the lines of ‘Reading Spaces’. 

Email us your entries with the subject line ‘Reading Spaces Entry’ at If you are sending an image in, please ensure that it is 300 dpi .tiff file. You can also post your entries to: 

FICA Reading Room 
F-213/E-2, 2nd Floor, 
Old Mehrauli-Badarpur Road, 
Lado Sarai, New Delhi 110030

We look forward to your exciting and imaginative entries! We hope for this to be a dialogical exercise, and will keep you updated on how the project will materialise.