open call for exhibition proposals 2018

deadline FOR APPLICATION extended to october 30, 2017

Korean Cultural Centre India,
in collaboration with The Foundation for Indian Contemporary Art,

Exhibition Proposals from:

- Category A: India and other SAARC countries

- Category B: Korea
- Category C: Focus theme on ‘Southeast Asian Contemporary’ for any nationality

To host a six week long exhibition at Korean Cultural Centre India between June 2018 and February 2019.

Budget: 6,00,000 INR for 'A' | 11,000,000 KRW for 'B' | 9,500 USD for 'C'

Application Deadline: October 30, 2017.

Date for Announcing Selected Proposals: November third Week, 2017.

KCCI, in collaboration with FICA, opens applications for exhibition grants under three categories for practitioners from India and other SAARC Countries, Korea, and Southeast Asian Countries.

Exhibition Proposals 2018 is aimed at individuals, collectives and organizations from visual arts, architecture, crafts, design, and new media. These grants actively support art practitioners who want to create or organize an exhibition for enquiries, discussions and experimental practice. In addition, KCCI hopes to become a hub of dynamic cultural exchange between India, Korea, and other Asian arts practitioners through a series of experimental and diverse programs.

The proposals will be selected by a distinguished panel of judges chosen by FICA and KCCI. The final recipients of the grants will receive a maximum of 6,00,000 INR for A (Indian and other SAARC countries)|11,000,000 KRW for Category B (Korean applicants)| 9,500 USD for C (Any Nationality) for the projects detailed in their application.

The period for holding the exhibition is from June 2018 to February 2019.  KCCI will provide their exhibition space for a period of six weeks within this stipulated time period to the grant recipients.  

The final exhibition timeline and the schedule will be finalized through a personal interview and a contract will be made accordingly with KCCI.

For application details, please refer to the links below:
Download application form in English as PDF or Word.
Download application form in Korean as PDF or Word.

Please Note: KCCI is also making provisions for two other exciting opportunities for Korean artists and organisations for residency at Khoj and also a project space at India Art Fair. Please see further details by clicking on the poster above regarding those opportunities.

