Paribartana Mohanty as chosen by an independent jury consisting of artists Anita Dube, Ranbir Kaleka and Shuddhabrata Sengupta, and Chandrika Grover, Head of Pro Helvetia New Delhi. The jury found Mohanty to be a skilled and sensitive young artist, who could benefit greatly by receiving this award at this particular time in his career. On seeing his works from the last couple of years, they felt that it reflected his serious engagement with literature (unrestricted by language), and that showed his maturity in being able to critically think through his own practice. His willingness to take risks and liberty in experimenting with a variety of media and language was commended by the jury.
The award comprises of a three-month studio-residency in Switzerland in 2011 and a solo exhibition at the Vadehra Art Gallery. FICA is collaborating with Pro Helvetia (Swiss Arts Council) for Mohanty’s studio-residency and with Vadehra Art Gallery for the exhibition.