The Drawing Club is led by artist Gagan Singh in collaboration with FICA. The club is interested in 'drawing' both as a practice and as a field to explore pedagogy. With creating the club, FICA hopes to bring sketching and drawing enthusiasts every month for a year in different spaces and contexts to meet, draw and have discussions on drawing. FICA Drawing Club is imagined as an open group, which will have an organic structure with different kinds of activities ranging from workshops, sketching sessions to film screenings and exhibition visits. The club is interested in the potential of 'collectively' meeting and drawing - offer and discuss possibilities of collaborations, peer dialogue and interacting with others’ practices. It hopes to enable discussions on how to re-contextualize one’s drawing and to understand and deliberate the very nature of drawing. How to think of drawing as a personal act of recording/witnessing; as an act of expression; and as an act of remembering as is the case with memory drawings? How to explore the different facets, mediums and histories of artists, art movements in context of drawing?
Workshop 1: The first workshop was conducted on 11th May 2016 keeping ‘mark-making’ as a facet of drawing to think about. Held at Vadehra Art Gallery participants were encouraged to talk about their expectations from such a club and reflect on exhibited works within the context of an exhibition visit. The session threw up interesting questions that are formulated here by Gagan - which we aim to keep asking and adding to along the way:-
What does it mean to work with the memory and how does one work with different kinds of scales?
Were the forms that were being drawn and the marks which were being made representational / abstract?
Were the forms created from memory and so which memory was this? Will you see it as something recent or something from childhood/long ago?
What do these marks, forms, shapes being created mean to you and can you alter them and are these repository of thoughts that you often use?
In the change of the exercises, what would you call an experiment or an experimental moment for you?
What does working with a particular medium mean to you? What is the comfort level with a medium?
How do you ‘see’ things? How does drawing enable ‘perception’?
Workshop 2: While the first session was a workshop led by Gagan, we plan the next session as a Sketcha-thon on 03 June 2016. The Sketcha-thon will be a two hour sketching session in which we will meet in the metro, ‘draw from life’ and deriving from what is seen around us! The session will be open by registration to the club.
To register send us a short bio (100 words) and a selection of 5 images of your works all in a SINGLE PDF to .